iOS App Store Submission Checklist: How to Successfully Release Your iOS App on Apple Store?

If you’re reading this blog, Kudos to you! You have successfully completed your visionary iOS application just like you have envisioned it. Now, submitting your app to iOS app store might seem simple as clicking the “Submit" button but no it is not. There are lot of chances that you might get your application rejected but hey, we’re to help you out with that! So, no worries.

At the end of our latest & detailed blog on iOS app store submission checklist, you will have a clear idea on what are the things to consider before you submit your iOS app for the iOS app store. Before we dive into the iOS app release checklist, we should first understand the basics of the submission process and how important it is to keep everything in place.

iOS App Store Submission Checklist: Why Does it Matter?

We don’t like to frighten you but according to Statista, there are over a whopping 1.7 million applications are being submitted to iOS app store. But do you know how many were rejected? It’s over 400 thousands of applications due to privacy reasons. Adding to that, over 15,000 apps were rejected due to copycats, misleading and other reasons. We’re sure that you won’t fall under this 15k category since we know your app is unique!

At the same time, we shouldn’t fall under that whopping 400 thousand apps, yes? Fear not, once you read our blog, you’ll be able to successfully launch your iOS application without any issues. We’re the reliable iOS app development company, so you can always give us a call if you need any assistance!

iOS App Release Checklist: Things to Consider Before iOS App Store Submission

Creating Apple ID

To successfully make your app enter into the apple ecosystem you should first create apple id. Visit apple developer site to create your apple id. It’s fairly straightforward and you’ll be asked only the basic information such as your Name, Address, Contact information and so on.

Rigorous Testing

Bear in mind that the Apple review team is really good at spotting red flags. So, thorough testing of your iOS application is paramount. Make sure that your applications’s functionality is good and there are no major crashes throughout the usage of your application. Bugs and crashes are the common reasons for apple to reject your app, so double check your application before submission.

Adherence to App Store Guidelines

This is one of the crucial stage of your iOS app release checklist. Make sure that your developed iOS application adheres to the App store guidelines. Keep a keen eye on every guideline that apple has provided especially on the user generated content. If any of your content is copyrighted make sure you have the documents for the rights. This is relevant for in app purchases too, if you have any.

Keeping The Review Process Clean

Once we submit your application for review, we have to make sure that no doubts should arise amongst the testing team of Apple. To make the review process easy and simple, make sure that you include all essential information to the team. For example, if a functionality requires users to login, provide the credentials beforehand to make the process clean.


Many of the applications requires access to the user’s camera, microphone, location and so on to function properly as intended. If you’re application fall under these category, make sure that your application asks permission and also make sure that you state the reason for acquiring the information.

Optimizing Your Application

What’s the point of developing your application, testing and even reading our iOS app store submission checklists if the users can’t find your application in the application store. Use strategic keywords in meta data of your application to make sure that the end users are able to find your unique application.

App Store Asset Preparation

Let’s assume that you have indeed able to get the traffic to your application. What else is there? To make the visitors stay and to download your application. To do that, make sure that you have high quality screenshots and videos of your iOS application in your basket to show off your visionary app to the users.

What Else is There in iOS App Release Checklist?

Apart from the said and done, make sure that you have your application version in place and keep updating the same once you release updates. Your application should be compatible with all of the apple devices and the ecosystem if your app desires.

Ensure that your app has all of the necessary functionalities that the core of your app has. For example, an eCommerce application should have the basic functionalities like the search bar, necessary integrations to make the shopping experience easy for the customers.


Here we are! We hope in that in our detailed blog on iOS app store submission checklist, we’ve covered everything for you to get your app live instantly. Remember, iOS app release isn’t just a one click “submit" option. Make sure that you have everything planned already to not miss any deadlines that you have.

If you need any guidance or need another app to be crafted, give us a call! We’re the dependable iOS App development company that you can find! Reach out and Let’s stick and grow together!