How to Choose the Right Technology Stack for Your Web App Development?

Web applications such as Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Single Page Applications (SPA), etc. are still dominating the software market. With new innovation and robustness of these web apps, choosing the right technology stack still remains a relevant questions after so many years of software revolution.

You cannot make a great dish with wasted ingredients. Similarly, you cannot build a ground breaking web application without choosing the right technology stack. In order to choose the right tech stack, you need to understand what it is, what are the options, and what are the factors involved in choosing the right one. And, we are here to help you with the same.

What is a Tech Stack?

Web applications are built with many layers, built atop each other forming a stack. A technology stack is the tools and technologies that are used in the web app layers by a software engineer to develop your web application as per requirements. In short, your web application is a skyscraper and the technology stack is the building blocks that are used to construct it perfectly.

What are the Components of a Web App Development Project?

With the above analogy in place, a technology stack usually consists of the following components,

Framework: A framework for a building is the blueprint, with standards, that is used to help guide the construction. Similarly, there are frameworks like Laravel, Angular, etc. that has pre-built set of codes and standards based on which your web application can be developed. This ensures that you don’t start from scratch each time you build a module or web application.

Web Server: A web server is the place that is never seen by your customers. It is the basement of your web application, a place where the web application and all the files, documents, etc. are retrieved from. Web server synchronizes the front-end/customer, to the back-end/database and thereby help with the proper functioning of the web app.

Databases – The database is the storeroom of your web application where all the data (from user information, transaction, product details, images, etc.) are stored. The data can be retrieved, managed, updated, manipulated, as per the functions of the web application.

Operating Systems – OS is the computer that manages the hardware, software, and other apps or resources required for the web application to function properly. It is usually windows or Linux. It is the entire site/plot where the web application exists.

Programming Language – A programming language is the rebars of your web application. It is helpful in manipulating the way your web application works with instructions written in a form understandable by your computer i.e the parts of the web application.

Front End – Front end is the user interface accessed by your customers and it can be considered as the pain, stairs, and the elevators used by the end users for ease of access. Usually, front-end is built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

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Popular Tech Stacks With Pros and Cons


The LAMP tech stack is a popular and open-source web development stack that consists of four key components: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or sometimes Perl or Python). Each component plays a crucial role in building and deploying dynamic web applications. Here’s an overview of each component, followed by the pros and cons of the entire LAMP stack:

Linux: Linux is the operating system that serves as the foundation for the LAMP stack. It provides a stable, secure, and open-source environment for hosting web applications. Linux is free to use, which reduces operating costs. It is also stable and reliable, making it suitable for hosting web applications. It has a strong security track record, with regular updates and a vast community that can address security concerns.

Apache: Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache, is a robust web server software that handles incoming HTTP requests and serves web content. Apache has a long history of performance and reliability, making it suitable for handling high traffic websites. It supports a wide range of modules and configurations, allowing developers to tailor the server to their specific needs.

MySQL: MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) used for storing and managing data in web applications. MySQL can handle both small and large databases, making it suitable for a variety of web applications. It offers fast data retrieval and efficient data storage.

PHP: PHP is a server-side scripting language commonly used for web development in the LAMP stack. Alternatively, Perl or Python can be used as well. PHP (and Perl/Python) allows for rapid development of dynamic web applications. It can easily integrate with MySQL and other technologies in the stack.



Open Source: The entire LAMP stack is built on open-source technologies, which means it’s cost-effective and has a vast community for support and improvement.

Flexibility: LAMP is highly flexible, allowing developers to choose from various tools and libraries to meet specific project requirements.

Scalability: With proper architecture and optimization, the LAMP stack can be scaled to handle increased traffic and data.

Maturity: LAMP technologies have been around for a long time, and they have a proven track record of stability and reliability.

Complexity: Setting up and configuring the entire LAMP stack can be complex, especially for beginners.

Performance: While the LAMP stack can handle moderate to high traffic, it may not be as performant as some other more specialized stacks for certain use cases.

Limited Support for Modern Features: Some components of the LAMP stack may lack support for the latest web development features and technologies, such as real-time features and serverless architecture.


WAMP and MAMP are nothing but the LAMP stack that are designed to be used on Windows and MacOS respectively. Everything is similar with the LAMP stack except for the operating systems. The OS would be Windows and MacOS respectively.


The MEAN tech stack is a popular set of technologies used for web application development. It consists of four main components: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular (formerly AngularJS), and Node.js. Each component plays a specific role in the stack.

MongoDB: MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format called BSON (Binary JSON). It is known for its scalability and flexibility, making it suitable for handling large volumes of data and unstructured data.

Express.js: Express.js is a minimalist, fast, and flexible Node.js web application framework that simplifies building robust web applications and APIs. Express.js is known for its high performance and minimal overhead. It provides a rich ecosystem of middleware for handling various tasks and it provides a easy integration with other Node.js modules.

Angular (formerly AngularJS): Angular is a front-end JavaScript framework for building dynamic, single-page web applications. Angular offers a robust data-binding mechanism, making it easier to manage data changes in real-time. It simplifies the management of dependencies within an application. It uses TypeScript by default, which adds static typing to JavaScript, enhancing code quality.

Node.js: Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build scalable network applications. It’s the runtime environment for Express.js. Node.js is designed for asynchronous, event-driven programming, which can improve application performance. It has a vast library of open-source packages available via npm (Node Package Manager).



Full-stack JavaScript: MEAN allows developers to use JavaScript throughout the entire stack, simplifying development and promoting code reuse.

Scalability: MongoDB’s scalability and Node.js’ non-blocking I/O make MEAN well-suited for handling high traffic and large datasets.

Flexibility: MEAN’s components are highly adaptable, allowing developers to adjust to changing project requirements.

Rich ecosystem: Each component has a vibrant community and extensive libraries, making it easy to find solutions to common challenges.

Real-time capabilities: MEAN’s components, especially Angular and Node.js, excel in building real-time applications.

Learning curve: The MEAN stack can be challenging for newcomers due to its complexity, especially when dealing with Angular and MongoDB.

Lack of strong ACID transactions: MongoDB’s eventual consistency model may not be suitable for all applications.

Frequent updates: Keeping up with updates and changes in the rapidly evolving JavaScript ecosystem can be time-consuming.

May not fit all use cases: MEAN may not be the best choice for CPU-bound applications or projects where SQL databases are preferred.


Both stacks have similar components but differ in the choice of the database system. Let’s break down each component of these stacks and then discuss the pros and cons of the entire stack:

MongoDB: MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format called BSON (Binary JSON). It is known for its scalability and flexibility, making it suitable for handling large volumes of data and unstructured data.

Express.js: Express.js is a minimalist, fast, and flexible Node.js web application framework that simplifies building robust web applications and APIs. Express.js is known for its high performance and minimal overhead. It provides a rich ecosystem of middleware for handling various tasks and it provides a easy integration with other Node.js modules.

React (Front-End Library): React is one of the most popular front-end technologies in the world. Around 42% of developers around the globe prefer React over other frameworks. It simplifies UI development with a component-based approach and optimizes rendering for better performance. It has a rich set of libraries and components available for building exceptional UI and UX.

Vue.js: In the MEVN stack, instead of React, Vue.js is used as the front-end framework. Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, known for its simplicity and flexibility in creating interactive web applications.

Node.js: Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build scalable network applications. It’s the runtime environment for Express.js. Node.js is designed for asynchronous, event-driven programming, which can improve application performance. It has a vast library of open-source packages available via npm (Node Package Manager).



Full JavaScript Stack: Developers can use a single language (JavaScript) throughout the entire stack, simplifying development and code sharing.

Scalability: Both MongoDB and Node.js are highly scalable, making these stacks suitable for applications with varying levels of traffic.

Rich Ecosystem: There are extensive libraries, packages, and tools available for each component of the stack, enhancing productivity.

Flexibility: Express.js allows for flexibility in defining the server’s structure, while React (or Vue.js) enables flexible UI development.

Performance: Node.js’s non-blocking I/O and React’s (or Vue.js’s) virtual DOM contribute to good performance.

Learning Curve: Learning the entire stack can be challenging for newcomers, especially those not familiar with JavaScript.

Complexity: Handling asynchronous code and state management can add complexity to the application.

Lack of Opinionation: The stack’s flexibility can lead to architectural decisions that may not be optimal if not carefully planned.

No Built-in Authentication/Authorization: Implementing user authentication and authorization often requires additional libraries and setup.

Reliance on a Single Language: While it simplifies development for some, it may limit options for developers more comfortable with other languages.

4. Django/Python

The Django/Python tech stack contains the familiar Apache for server and MySQL for database respectively. Check out the major features of the framework below,

Django: Django is a high-level Python web framework that provides a set of tools and libraries to simplify web application development. Django’s built-in features like ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), authentication, and admin interface accelerate development. It has built-in security features like protection against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF) and user authentication.

Python: Python is a high-level, versatile programming language known for its readability and simplicity. Python’s clean and concise syntax makes it easy to write and maintain code. It is available on multiple platforms, making it highly portable and scalable.

Apache: Apache is a widely used open-source web server that serves web content and handles HTTP requests. Apache is known for its reliability and stability, making it suitable for production environments. It supports a wide range of modules and configurations, allowing customization.

MySQL: MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) used for storing and managing data in web applications. MySQL can handle both small and large databases, making it suitable for a variety of web applications. It offers fast data retrieval and efficient data storage.



Full-stack solution: The Django/Python/Apache/MySQL stack provides all the components necessary for building a web application, streamlining development.

Security: Django’s built-in security features, combined with Apache’s support for SSL/TLS, help ensure the security of your application.

Scalability: Both Django and MySQL are scalable, making it suitable for projects of varying sizes.


Active communities: Python, Django, Apache, and MySQL have active communities, which means access to support and resources.

Learning curve: The stack can be challenging for beginners due to the complexity of configuring Apache and learning Django’s conventions.

Resource consumption: Apache, in some cases, may consume more system resources compared to lighter web servers like Nginx.

Overhead: The stack can be seen as “heavy" due to the combination of Django, Apache, and MySQL, which might not be necessary for all projects, especially smaller ones.

Top 5 Factors to Consider While Choosing Your Tech Stack

There are ‘n’ number of factors involved while choosing a tech stack for a project. However, not every nitty gritty is worth your time and thought. In that line, here are the major factors that you must consider while choosing your tech stack. These factors can determine the success and failure of the project and it is important to be mindful of them.

1. Size and Complexity of Project
2. Web App Requirements
3. Scalability
4. Security
5. Community Support

Which Tech Stack You Should Use?

As I have stated before, choosing the right tech stack can be a major factor determining the success and failure of your project. While planning or starting a project, if you are still confused and need clarity to know if the tech stack you chose is the right one, it is better to reach for support. And, that is where we come in.

As a premium web app development company in Chennai, our expertise can help determining if your choice is right or if you need to go change your tech stack. Our team consists of senior developers and architects who can understand your requirements in a few calls and give you the right recommendation. Contact us today and let’s talk shop!