Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks to Choose in 2024

The need for having a strong digital presence in this technology-driven era cannot be overstated. According to Forbes magazine, there are roughly about 1.13 Billion websites on the internet as of 2013. The numbers are just staggering and it’s only going to get increase from now on.

Javascript framework will act as a template for web developers to quickly start the work without starting from scratch each time a module or a website is created.

Still, wondering what and how frameworks can ease up the work? Let’s dive a bit deep into this convo.

What is a Javascript Framework?

Javascript framework is a pre-coded/pre-built bundle that web developers can utilize. It actually makes sense to get a template and then re-invent it to your liking rather than inventing one on your own which costs money and resources.

To give you an example, think about building a house. When you start building your house from scratch you get some pre-produced and/or pre-manufactured materials like brick, wood, and so on. Nobody will create their own brick and wood, from scratch to build a house, right?! You can think of Javascript Frameworks exactly like that. Javascript will be the brick and wood that web developers can rely on without focusing on time-consuming tasks.

To give you a development related example, if you need an image carousel for your webpage, you can use a pre-coded template from the Javascript framework and then rework the UI elements to fit your style. This will reduce ample time and resources into a web development project.

Now, let’s see the top javascript frameworks in 2024, shall we? But before we do, do know that we’ve included both front-end and backend frameworks and listed these based on the versatile use cases and the popularity of the frameworks amongst the developers. It could very well vary for your project.

Top 10 Javascript Frameworks

1. React.Js

React is a popular choice for developers to rely on for many reasons. React, built by Facebook, is a great tool for building dynamic, user-interactive websites. React utilizes virtual Document Object Model (DOM) to make your web application dynamic. To put in simple words, React essentially loads every component on your application in a single view port.

Moreover, React can be used and integrated well with other libraries or frameworks. So, wouldn’t have to worry much before getting into React. If you do face any issues though, React’s active community could give you an answer real quick.

2. Angular

Angular, by Google, is a powerful javascript framework that is used best for building enterprise-grade websites. Angular is a modular framework and has its proprietary module called ‘Ngmodules’. Because of this, every component of your website will be stored in this module and these can be exported as well, making Angular one of the best reusable Javascript frameworks.

Angular also supports two way data binding. This will enable you to manipulate the elements in your UI seamlessly without any hiccups. Angular works directly in connection with the DOM, so no virtual DOM is necessary here. Angular is mostly preferred for Single Page Applications (SPAs).

3. Vue

Vue Js was created by Evan You. With the immense popularity that it has got for its flexibility, it has now got a very active community. It is often used for creating single-page websites and the learning curve is much lower compared to React and Angular. So, if you want to get yourself immersed in your dream project technically, this could be your go-to solution.

With the immense flexibility that Vue has to offer, you can easily integrate various components with this framework. It’s also vital to mention that, Vue supports both data binding and virtual DOM.

4. Next.Js

Next.Js, created by Vercel, is an open source framework that primarily focuses on the front end of your website. Next.Js is capable of server rendering and mainly uses React and javascript components to create the UI. It is often used to create static pages.

You might be now wondering how is this different. Next.Js can generate new pages in your website automatically if it is coded in the root directory of your project. This sure will be a handful feature if you’re going to create numerous pages of content.

Speaking of content, Next.Js supports Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) which will allow you to edit or add content without much work.

5. Node.Js

When you think of scalable backend development and server side rendering Node.Js will be the popular answer. Node.Js uses a high-performing V8 Javascript runtime engine by Google.

Node is based on the event driven architecture, where Node uses its module primarily from the EventEmitter class. This will assist in developing your solution in a faster manner.

To improve the server-side development further, Node.js supports asynchronous programming which lets the developers do the coding concurrently, improving the overall scalability of your project.

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6. Ember.Js

Ember Js had its stable release in 2016 and it uses a component-based framework for front-end development processes. Ember is embraced by popular platforms like Netflix, Microsoft, and so on.

Ember aims to provide you with a comprehensive solution and they’re doing so by providing you with a router, data management library, and so on.

It also offers auto-reload and many features that can be helpful in the development process. The learning curve, however, will be a bit high since it is relatively new for any developer to work on.

7. NestJS

Nest Js, introduced first to the world in 2017, is a popular choice of backend framework for server side application development. The applications will be scalable as the needs of the application grow.

NestJS is used by Adidas, Decathlon, and many reputable MNCs to build their website on. So, if you’re looking to build an enterprise-level website, NestJS could be your answer. NestJS uses TypeScript to ease up the work of the developers.

You can power NestJS with React and other frameworks to build a full-on website.

8. Express

You can say Express is a simple, minimalistic, and flexible Node.Js for developing web applications. When you talk about Express, we cannot go further without talking about one thing: Middleware support.

Express supports middleware, which means, you can edit and alter the request-response cycle at the coding level without breaking the code of the main application.

9. Backbone.Js

As the name suggests, Backbone.Js can be your backend or so to say, the “Backbone", of your website. Popular sites like W3 and Tumblr are made using Backbone.Js.

Backbone is preferred for many reasons, like the lightweight of the framework, the flexibility that it has to offer, and so on. But it is preferred especially for Single Page Applications (SPAs). With Backbone, you can load all components of your page in a single load apart from re-loading the entire page when a component throws any loading error.

This is mainly preferred if you’re going for an enterprise-grade web application for your project.

10. Gatsby.Js

Last but not the least and remember what we’ve said before: We’re not listing based on ranking!

Gatsby.Js is a popular choice for building static websites. If you’d like to improve, you can always rely on the fact that it supports integrations and has many plugins like page optimization and SEO optimization to help your site.

Gatsby uses technologies like React and GraphQL which will significantly improve the way how your project will be worked.

What's the Best Javascript Framework?

Now, you might be thinking, what’s the best framework and what should I opt for?

Unfortunately, we cannot and no one can give you a definite answer to this question. What framework you choose will totally depend on various factors such as the scope, budget, and how soon you want to see your project get to life.

But we do have a solution for you.

What's the Solution?

So, if you’re a person looking to build a unique web application in this tech-driven era, then should know how to choose a reliable partner for your website development journey. You have to choose a company that can give you a free discovery call, like us for example, to understand the needs of your project and then they should walk you through the development process.

Apart from these, you have to look for a company that has expertise in the field, has good project management, and most importantly, promises on-time delivery of the project. You might think it is hard to find a company like this, afraid not, we’ve got you covered.

This is where we come in. As your reliable Web development company in Chennai, we’ll help you craft a solution that works right both in terms of front end and back end. We’ll leverage the years of expertise we have to bring out the best in us for you!


Having an online presence plays a crucial role in your business success in this tech-driven era and I’m sure you’ll agree with this statement.

If you’re a developer reading this blog, we hope we’ve helped you in some way. But if you’re someone, a user, looking to build your online presence, don’t choose a mere company but a partner who can help and guide you in this web development sphere.

If you need any assistance with web development or need our expertise, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Let’s have a cup of coffee and figure out how we can help you with your business.